On December 13, 2006, the

Albemarle County Board of Supervisors

met jointly with the Planning Commission in a work session to further discuss the

Mountain Overlay District (MOD) Committee’s recommendations

to “protect the economic, cultural, and natural resources of Albemarle County’s mountains.” After a little more than an hour of staff presentations and discussion, the Supervisors agreed to continue the work session on January 10, 2007. No substantive decisions were made. [

Link to agenda item


When the Supervisors

last considered mountaintop protection proposals

in September, it was the surviving initiative of the threesome that included rural area




. The next work session is expected to include: 1) discussion of building height restrictions and ordinance waiver provisions; 2) a decision by the Board as to whether a mountaintop protection ordinance should even be drafted for public and Board review; and 3) if an ordinance is supported, a decision about applying some of the mountaintop protection standards throughout Albemarle’s rural areas (i.e. also off the mountaintops).

Brian Wheeler

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