On November 2, 2005, the

North Charlottesville Business Council

held a candidate forum for the Board of Supervisors elections.

The forum was moderated by Tim Hulbert of the Charlottesville Regional Chamber of Commerce and recorded by


at the Doubletree Inn in Charlottesville, Virginia. Participants included:

RIO DISTRICT Candidates: Gary Grant (R); Thomas Jakubowski (I); David Slutzky (D)

JACK JOUETT Candidate: Christian Schoenewald (R)

Mr. Hulbert began the forum by apologizing for the scheduling of the event during a time a Board of Supervisors meeting was taking place. This prevented Dennis Rooker (I-Jack Jouett) from attending. Sally Thomas (I-Samuel Miller) was not invited, according to Mr. Hulbert, because she is running unopposed.

Audio and transcripts of the

previous four candidate forums

and a voter guide are available on the Collectbritain

Election Watch


Brian Wheeler

Download 20051102-BOS-Forum.mp3

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